OwnerFile vs Traditional Accountants: A Comparative Analysis

Martin Kamenski
March 8, 2024
minute read

When it comes to Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) filings, businesses typically face a choice: rely on traditional accountants or embrace modern solutions like OwnerFile. This analysis delves into how OwnerFile's approach contrasts with traditional methods, highlighting key aspects like efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and user control. (BTW, we LOVE accountants! Our founder is a CPA!)

Why you Might not Want to Trust Your Accountant with Beneficial Ownership Information Filings

As we enter this new era of business reporting, many businesses will turn to accountants for handling BOI filings. Accountants are trusted advisors and are familiar with your business, but this approach has its drawbacks:

  1. Time-Intensive Process: Accountants often handle multiple clients, which can lead to longer turnaround times for your filings.
  2. Cost Factor: Hiring a professional accountant can be a significant expense, especially for small to medium-sized businesses.
  3. Limited Control and Visibility: Business owners typically have less direct oversight and control over the filing process.
  4. Low-tech / Less Secure Approach: Working with your CPA might involve emailing sensitive information back and forth, or completing paper or PDF forms and submitting them online. 

OwnerFile’s Modern Approach to BOI Filings

OwnerFile represents a shift towards a more efficient, cost-effective, and user-centric approach:

  1. Streamlined and Automated Processes: OwnerFile automates and streamlines the BOI filing process, significantly reducing the time and effort involved. Instead of having to collect ALL the information yourself and provide it to your accountant, you’ll only need to provide us names and emails and we’ll handle all the data collection from there.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: With a model designed for efficiency, OwnerFile offers a more budget-friendly solution compared to traditional accounting services.
  3. Enhanced User Control and Transparency: OwnerFile provides real-time visibility and control over the filing process, giving business owners a more hands-on approach.

The Benefits of Choosing OwnerFile

  1. Empowering Business Owners: OwnerFile puts control back in the hands of business owners, allowing them to manage their BOI filings directly.
  2. Reducing Dependency on External Services: By providing an intuitive platform, OwnerFile reduces the need to rely on external accountants for BOI filings.
  3. Customizable Solutions: OwnerFile’s platform can be tailored to the specific needs of your business, offering flexibility that traditional accounting methods may not provide.
  4. Data Security and Privacy: Instead of a manual or less-secure process, OwnerFile will give you the confidence and security expected from a modern webapp. For more information about our security features check out the article, “The Security Edge: How OwnerFile Protects Your  Sensitive Beneficial Ownership Information Data.”

OwnerFile: A Smart Choice for the Future

In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and control are more important than ever. OwnerFile embodies these qualities, making it a smart choice for businesses looking to modernize their BOI filing processes.

OwnerFile Offers a More Effecient, Cost-Effective and User-Centric Approach 

The comparison between OwnerFile and traditional accountants for BOI filings presents a clear picture: OwnerFile offers a more efficient, cost-effective, and user-controlled approach. As businesses continue to evolve, solutions like OwnerFile are not just an option but a necessity for staying competitive and compliant. 

Embrace the future of BOI filings with OwnerFile and experience the ease and efficiency that modern technology brings to compliance. Sign up today.